Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Ideo's Kinect Physics Demo

Ideo has a Kinect physics demo on their Vimeo page, it's been up for a while but somehow slipped under our radar until now. This is a great demonstration of the accuracy the sensor is capable of:

Recently we've been doing some brainstorming about things like switches and wheels, virtual representation of controls with limited affordances that a user can interact with naturally, watching this validates some of our discussion as it seems the sensor should certainly be capable of those things.

Right now we're in the early stages of prototyping with a group meeting scheduled for tomorrow night at the CDR, next update I will fill in the details of how we got to this point and what we are hoping to achieve, stay tuned!

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Kinect and PC Arrived

Our hardware arrived earlier this month so we all met up at the CDR to dig into it on March 4th. After we got everything hooked up we quickly noticed the computer wasn't really noticing the Kinect at all, it became clear to us right away that we needed to manipulate code in the Software Development Kit (SDK) to really get started. It was a productive start to our project, more info and images after the break.