Just a follow up to Melissa's post, in this post I've embedded the flash file we used for our proof-of-concept prototype. If you have a Kinect running on your PC is will work as intended right in the browser, otherwise you can hover over the buttons and pretend you have a Kinect :-/
Read more to try out our flash prototype!
Below: Energy Monitoring Flash prototype for PC Kinect
(Please note: No need to "click" anything, just hover cursor to operate.
Requires more time to load than a standard image, also requires Flash Player compatibility)
I also want to thank Nick Yarsulik, he helped us out a lot with the Action Script coding, thank you Nick!!! In a further revised version we would like to support wave gestures, this could provide a way to page through historical energy data. Things got a bit crunched towards the end of the semester, late in the game we realized we were missing Flash Builder 4.5 and Flash Professional CS5.5, not having those broke our planned workflow. To get our prototype up and running we were able to install a script to make the Kinect PC replace the mouse, launched our flash file in full-screen mode, and voilĂ ! Our hovering hand with the timer worked good enough to do a bit of testing with!
We recently received the required software so there is potential to keep the project moving and add true gesture support. In the current form it's a very simple UI and limited interaction, but it works with the Kinect and that's a small victory.
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